The Classic Typewriter Page



The Typewriter Revolution:
A Typist's Companion for the 21st Century

Some more Web sites that may be of interest to fans of old typewriters...

Where to begin?

Organizations and Periodicals

Collecting and Restoring Typewriters

Typewriter Collectors

Personal sites created by collectors, alphabetized by collector's (italicized) name, when known.

Typewriters for Sale

Typewriter History


Typewriters for the 21st Century

Typewriting has made a remarkable comeback in the new millennium. For more information, check out:
The last remnants of the typewriter industry ended in the US in the '90s, but typewriters, including manual ones, are still made in a few places around the world. Until 2010, they were made in India by Godrej & Boyce and FAL. Most of the remaining factories seem to be in mainland China and Taiwan.
The following companies that gained fame from their typewriters are still in business. Olivetti and Smith-Corona do not currently sell typewriters.

The Typosphere

Enter the typosphere, the realm of blogs about typewriters and typewriting. Many of these blogs feature typecasts -- a form of blogging in which writers compose on typewriters, scan or photograph their text, and upload it to a web site. You can find long lists of links to the typosphere at these two blogs:

Typewriters in the News

The Cutting Edge of Retro

