- Edward Abbey: Royal KMG
- Ansel Adams: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Douglas Adams: Hermes 8 (photo 1, photo 2)
- Ryan Adams (musician): Olympia SM3 (photo 1, photo 2)
- Joy Adamson: Remington portable no. 1
- Renata Adler: IBM A or B
- Edward Albee: Remington 17 or KMC
- Nelson Algren: Underwood, Remington 17 or KMC (photo 1, photo 2)
- Muhammad Ali: Olympia electric
- Woody Allen: Olympia SM3 (story)
- Isabel Allende: Olivetti Linea 88?, Olympia electric
- Joseph Alsop (columnist): Royal 10 (1939 photo); Underwood Standard SX-100, ca. 1950-52 (Jan. 1968 photo)
- Jorge Amado: 1950s Royal portable (photo 1, photo 2), ca. 1980 Erika
- Kingsley Amis: Adler standard, photo 1, photo 2 (typewriter mentioned in Paris Review, Art of Fiction No. 59 and Amis' The King's English)
- Martin Amis: Olivetti Lettera 32 (1981 photo), Triumph/Adler electronic (possibly SE 1010/1030)
- A. R. Ammons: Underwood SS (ca. 1946-47)
- Roald Amundsen: folding Erika (in Polar Museum, Tromsø, Norway)
- Julie Andrews: IBM Selectric I #4085682 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Maya Angelou: Adler Meteor 12 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Benigno Aquino: Smith-Corona Skyriter (pictured on Filipino banknote)
- Louis Armstrong: Remington no. 5 portable, 1950s Smith-Corona portable
- John Ashbery: Royal Aristocrat; Royal KMM (now at Harvard's Woodberry Poetry Room); Royal KMG
- Harry Ashmore: Royal KMM, Underwood (SS?)
- Isaac Asimov: IBM Selectric I (photo; painting on cover of his Opus 200, IBM Selectric II
- Miguel Ángel Asturias: Hermes Baby or Rocket
- Margaret Atwood: IBM Selectric I
- Paul Auster: Olympia SM9 (there's a book about his Olympia), Olivetti Lettera 22 (shown in 2013 interview)
- Michael Avallone: Remington KMC (?)
- Rev. W. V. Awdry: Imperial 66
- Ingeborg Bachmann: Erika M, Facit TP1, Olivetti Studio 44 (1964), Olympia SG3
- Beryl Bainbridge: Imperial Good Companion no. 1
- Russell Baker: Royal KMM
- Letitia Baldrige: IBM Model C (photo ca. 1961)
- James Baldwin: Adler standard, Adler Gabriele 35 (another photo), Olympia SM7, Smith-Corona Coronamatic 2200 (story)
- J.G. Ballard: Olympia Monica (same machine here? or Olympia SM9)
- Donald Barthelme: early L.C. Smith? (1964 photo)
- L. Frank Baum: Smith Premier
- Vicki Baum: Mignon (photo 1, photo 2)
- Betsy Beaton (author, Nov 1948): Underwood standard No. 6
- Charles Beaumont: Torpedo Solitaire (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3)
- Brendan Behan: Remington portable no. 2 (in use, in museum), Oliver Courier (?)
- Saul Bellow: Royal KMG, Smith-Corona electric
- Stephen Vincent Benet: duotone 1920s Remington portable
- Mildred Benson (author of most of the Nancy Drew mysteries): 1972 Olivetti Linea 88B #B285379 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Ingrid Bergman: Smith-Corona Skyriter
- Wendell and Tanya Berry: 1956 Royal standard (presumably an HH)
- William Peter Blatty: Royal standard (KHM?)
- Robert Bloch: Woodstock
- Enid Blyton: Imperial Good Companion (see her typing in this film)
- Andrea Bocelli: Perkins Brailler #B-1834 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Heinrich Böll: Remington Travel-Riter Deluxe
- Roberto Bolaño: Olivetti M40; Remington, probably no. 12 or no. 16 (ca. 1970 photo)
- Erma Bombeck: IBM Selectric I
- Ruskin Bond: Olympia SM3
- Bill Boni (WWII correspondent): Remington noiseless portable
- William Bortz: Hermes Baby
- Elizabeth Bowen (Anglo-Irish writer): Olympia Splendid 33
- Roger Bowen (actor and author): Smith-Corona Citation electric
- Karin Boye: Corona 3, Patria
- Malcolm Bradbury: Smith Corona Automatic Electric, Olivetti Editor 5, and 1970s Olympia portable
- Ray Bradbury: Underwood (no. 5?), 1947 Royal KMM #3756210 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection), IBM Selectric, IBM Wheelwriter, Silver-Seiko ultraportable (likely branded as Royal)
- Barbara Taylor Bradford: IBM Wheelwriter (story)
- Ben Bradlee: Remington 17
- Marlon Brando: Royal Arrow or Aristocrat
- Richard Brautigan: Royal KMM, Olivetti Praxis 48
- Kate Braverman: IBM Model C
- Bertolt Brecht: Erika
- Jimmy Breslin: Hermes Ambassador, Olympia SG3
- Poppy Z. Brite: Smith-Corona Sterling Electric 12 (used to write Lost Souls; photo from eBay auction by Brite himself in 2013)
- Joseph Brodsky: Hermes Baby or Rocket
- Gwendolyn Brooks: Underwood no. 5, 1964 Hermes Rocket (more info at American Writers Museum)
- Richard Brooks (director): Royal KMM, Royal portable ('30s-'40s)
- Joyce Brothers: IBM Selectric II
- Helen Gurley Brown: Remington Rand, L.C. Smith 1930s/40s, Royal Empress, silver-plated Royal Empress
- Spencer K. M. Brown: Hermes Featherweight
- Malcolm W. Browne: Hermes Baby
- John Brunner: Smith-Corona electrics (marked "NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE STUPIDITY OF EDITORS")
- Pearl S. Buck: Royal P, Royal KMM (1967 photo)
- William F. Buckley, Jr.: Royal HH, Olivetti Lettera 32
- Charles Bukowski: Royal HH, Underwood Standard, Underwood portable (ca. 1940s), Olympia SG1, IBM Personal Selectric (see also Bukowski's poem "IBM Selectric")
- Mikhail Bulgakov: Olympia 8 (photo from Bulgakov museum)
- Ivan Bunin: Remington portable no. 2
- Eleanor Alice Burford (pen names Jean Plaidy, Victoria Holt, Philippa Carr, etc.): Imperial 66
- Anthony Burgess: small Olympia portable, possibly a Splendid; Olympia Traveller De Luxe; Olivetti Valentine; Olivetti Lexikon 80; other Olivetti portables (story here)
- George Burns: Royal HH #HHP4841533 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- William S. Burroughs: 1950s, various typewriters, since he was constantly pawning them; many of his manuscripts were done on a Remington; Naked Lunch typed from handwritten notes by Kerouac, presumably on Kerouac's Underwood; Hermes Rocket (photo Oct. 1959); Antares (Burroughs shoots up as the Antares watches); Facit Portable (1965 Paris Review interview); Olivetti Lettera 22 (according to Barry Miles in Call Me Burroughs); Olympia SG1 (cover of Word Virus anthology, 1970s photo, undated photo) Olivetti Studio 44 (1980s?); 1970s Smith-Corona electric
- Octavia Butler: Olivetti Studio 46
- Robert Olen Butler: Smith-Corona Galaxie Twelve (two-tone blue)
- Herb Caen: Royal HH, Royal FP
- James M. Cain: ca. 1955 Underwood SX
- Taylor Caldwell: Remington KMC or Super-Riter
- Italo Calvino: Olivetti Lettera 22 (photo 1, photo 2)
- Ken Campbell: Smith-Corona Coronamatic 2200
- Stephen J. Cannell: IBM Selectric II or III
- Truman Capote: Royal HH, Smith-Corona Electra 110 #6SE2137001 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Robert Caro: Smith Corona Electra 210 ("Caro has nine spares that he can cannibalize for parts, and he collects ribbon like a hoarder." More here in Esquire, and here's a New York Times story about Caro and his writing habits, illustrated with a slide show.)
- Lewis Carroll: Hammond no. 1, received on May 3, 1888, used to write a mathematical treatise and some letters (story here)
- Johnny Carson: Royal KMM (or possibly KMG), Olivetti Lettera 22
- Rachel Carson (in Jan. 1952 photo): 1940s Royal portable
- Howard Carter (archaeologist): Royal portable
- Raymond Carver: 1970s Smith-Corona electric (photo 1, photo 2)
- Fidel Castro: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Willa Cather: Oliver no. 5 (source)
- Bruce Catton: Royal HH
- Nick Cave: gray Olivetti Lettera 25, Silver Reed Silverette
- Blaise Cendrars: Remington No. 1 portable (his poem "baggage", written in the early 1920s and published in 1925, notes that he traveled to Brazil with "my Remington Portable latest model"), Remington No. 2 portable (1945 photo), Remington noiseless portable (1953 photo)
- Raymond Chandler: Underwood Noiseless, Olivetti Studio 44 with foreign-language accents. The Olivetti was auctioned in 2024 for $9600. According to the auction house, which provided this photo, Chandler "was quite pleased with his new Olivetti, writing: 'I am apt to get up around 4am, take a mild drink of Scotch and water and start hammering at this lovely Olivetti 44, which is far superior to anything we turn out in America. It is a heavy portable and put together like an Italian racing car, and you mustn't judge it from my typing' (Raymond Chandler, 21 May 1955)."
- Paddy Chayefsky (playwright, May 1954): Underwood Standard Model 6, ca. 1946; (photo 1, photo 2); Olympia SG3
- John Cheever: Underwood Universal, Olivetti (Lettera 32?)
- Claire Chennault (US general, June1957): Royal Quiet Deluxe portable, ca. 1957
- Agatha Christie: Remington Portable No. 2, Remington Victor T (British version of the streamlined model 5 portable)
- Robert Churchwell: Smith-Corona Coronet Automatic 12
- Sandra Cisneros: 1930s Underwood Universal
- Arthur C. Clarke: Remington Noiseless Deluxe, Smith-Corona electric (photo 1, photo 2)
- James Clavell: Smith-Corona (Galaxie?)
- Jon Cleary (Australian writer): Olympia SM8 or SM9
- Eldridge Cleaver: Underwood (probably no. 5)
- Leonard Cohen: Olivetti Lettera 22 (story)
- Jackie Collins:Blue Bird Torpedo, Olympia Splendid
- Joan Collins: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Evan S. Connell: Olympia SM3 (photo has been retouched, obscuring keyboard), Olympia SM8
- Joseph Conrad's secretary, Lillian Hallowes, bought a Corona in 1919, which must have been a Corona 3. She had used her previous typewriter (make and model currently unknown) for 14 years.
- Dan Cook, sports writer: Royal 10
- Alistair Cooke: Corona no. 3, 1949/50 Royal Quiet DeLuxe
- Francis Ford Coppola: Olivetti Lettera 32
- Julio Cortázar: Smith-Corona electric, Olympia Traveller (photo 1, photo 2)
- Norman Corwin, radio writer: flattop Corona, Royal KMM (1973 photo)
- Noel Coward: Royal KH, Imperial standard (1953 photo), Olivetti-Underwood Studio 44 (1962 photo 1 and photo 2), Gossen Tippa Pilot
- Virginia Cowles: 1930s or ’40s Royal portable (Quiet De Luxe?)
- Michael Crichton: IBM Selectric I
- Quentin Crisp: Remington portable #3
- Walter Cronkite: Remington 5 portable, Smith-Corona '60s/'70s electric portable
- Bing Crosby: Corona 3 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection), 1920s Royal portable
- e.e. cummings: 1940s Smith-Corona Clipper
- Eve Curie: boxy Remington 5 portable, Remington Noiseless Portable no. 7
- Clive Cussler: Olivetti Lettera 36
- Stig Dagerman: Continental 350 (story)
- Guy Davenport: Olivetti Lexikon 82
- Angela Davis: Smith-Corona
- Bette Davis: Remington Noiseless Portable
- Dorothy Day: L. C. Smith
- Peter De Vries: Royal FP
- Lana Del Rey: Royal Scriptor 69149V
- Shelagh Delaney: Empire Aristocrat
- Alain Delon: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Don DeLillo: Royal HH, Olympia SM9
- Alice Denham: Royal HH (she is sometimes misidentified as Maria Callas)
- Lester Dent: IBM Electromatic Executive
- Johnny Depp: Olympia (Foreword to Rocks: My Life In and Out of Aerosmith, Joe Perry with David Ritz, Simon & Schuster, 2014), Remington portable no. 5, IBM Selectric
- August Derleth: Underwood Master, Olympia SG1
- Jacques Derrida: Olivetti portables (probably beginning with a Lettera 22) and an unnamed electric (“‘Entre le corps écrivant et l’écriture …’ Entretien avec Daniel Ferrer,” in Genesis 17 (2001): 59–72.)
- Gwen Dew: Hermes Baby (called "Tappy")
- John Dewey: Underwood S (photo 1, photo 2)
- Colin Dexter: Imperial Good Companion no. 4
- Philip K. Dick: Hermes Rocket, Olympia SG3, IBM Selectric
- John Dickerson (CBS journalist): Underwood no. 5
- Joan Didion: Royal KMG, Hermes Ambassador
- Marlene Dietrich: Underwood no. 5 2487557-5 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Sean Dietrich: Olivetti Lettera 32
- Joe DiMaggio: flat-top maroon Corona Sterling (auctioned Dec. 2011) (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen): Corona 3
- Stephen Dixon: Hermes 3000 (later model)
- Frederick Douglass: Remington no. 2 (source)
- Arthur Conan Doyle: Underwood (no. 5?)
- Dr. Seuss (Theodore Seuss Geisel): Remington Noiseless Portable, 1950s Smith-Corona portable (possibly a Silent-Super)
- Margaret Drabble: Adler Contessa (?)
- W. E. B. Du Bois: L. C. Smith No. 9 Secretarial (photo from the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library), Hermes Baby or Rocket (photo, his letter to Hermes)
- Daphne DuMaurier: Oliver 11, Underwood portable, Olympia SM4
- Paul Laurence Dunbar: Remington Standard No. 6 (Ohio Historical Society photo)
- Marguerite Duras: Olivetti MP1 (photo 1, photo 2)
- Lawrence Durrell: Olympia Splendid, Underwood 21
- Bob Dylan: Royal Safari (photo 1, photo 2), Olivetti Lettera 22 (1964 photo), Olivetti Lexikon 80, Imperial, and on at least one occasion, an Olympia SG1 (watch him typing here while Joan Baez sings)
- Roger Ebert: L.C. Smith Super-Speed, Underwood 150
- Umberto Eco: Olivetti Studio 45
- Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Royal Futura
- T.S. Eliot: Blickensderfer with an italic typewheel, Smith-Corona flattop portable (1930s), Smith-Corona speedline portable (1940s) - photo 1, photo 2)
- Bret Easton Ellis: Brother CE-35 (1987 photo)
- Harlan Ellison: Remington Rand 1940s portable, Olympia SG1 (photo 1, photo 2) Olympia SG3 (photo 1, photo 2), Olympia SM9, Olympia SM3 (read an interview with Ellison that explains why he writes only on manual typewriters)
- Ralph Ellison: Remington Noiseless Portable, early 1940s Royal Arrow, Olivetti Studio 44, IBM Selectric I
- Stanley Elkin: Remington portable no. 2
- Michael Ende: Olympia SG3
- Hans Magnus Enzensberger: IBM Selectric II or III
- Joe Eszterhas: Olivetti Lettera 35 (story here)
- Douglas Fairbanks: Underwood 5
- Oriana Fallaci: Olivetti Studio 42, Olivetti Lettera 22 (photo 1, photo 2)
- Hans Fallada: Columbia Bar-Lock, Remington portable no. 3
- John Fante: Underwood (no. 5?), Olympia SM9
- Henry Farrell: Underwood
- James T. Farrell: L.C. Smith, Royal HH
- Howard Fast: 1930s Woodstock, 1937 office Underwood, 1949 Olympia, Olympia SG3 (photo by Brian Coats)
- William Faulkner: Royal KHM, Remington Noiseless desktop, 1930s Underwood portable photo 1 (in California), photo 2 (recent photo of an Underwood used by Faulkner), photo 3
- Don E. Fehrenbacher (historian): Hermes 3000
- Federico Fellini: Olivetti Studio 44
- Edna Ferber: Remington understroke (no. 7?) (photo 1, photo 2)
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Remington KMC
- Louis Fischer: Royal portable
- M. F. K. Fisher: Underwood (no. 5?), Smith-Corona Galaxie-series portable
- Ian Fleming: Royal portables (one was gold-plated), Triumph Gabriele (1950s), Olympia SF
- Ford Madox Ford: Corona (according to this book)
- E. M. Forster: Oliver no. 3 #99534 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Frederick Forsyth: Hermes Baby or Empire Aristocrat (1970 photo), Nakajima AX-150 (photo 1, photo 2: different machines, with different color keys)
- Jodie Foster: Olivetti Lettera 35
- Michel Foucault: unidentified electric portable
- John Fowles: early 1960s Triumph Perfect or Adler Primus, Adler Tippa
- Janet Frame: Brother DeLuxe 1350 (photo 1, photo 2), Imperial Good Companion (no. 3?), Olympia Splendid
- Pope Francis I: electric Olivetti
- Jonathan Franzen: Silver-Reed (for The Twenty-Seventh City)
- Antonia Fraser: Olivetti Praxis 48
- Ian Frazier: various Olympias
- Stan Freberg: Olivetti Lettera 32, Underwood-Olivetti Studio 44
- Douglass Southall Freeman: Remington Noiseless 6
- Max Frisch: Hermes Baby, Olivetti Lettera 25 (story), Olivetti Studio 44?
- Robert Frost: Blickensderfer no. 5 (bought in 1900)
- Stephen Fry: Hermes 3000 (at least for the play "Latin! Or Tobacco and Boys"; see vol. 2 of The Fry Chronicles)
- Carlos Fuentes: 1950s Smith-Corona portable
- Paul Fussell: Royal HH
- William Gaddis: Olympia SM2, Olympia SM3, Olivetti Lettera 32
- Serge Gainsbourg: black IBM Selectric II
- Ernie Gann: Olivetti Lettera 22 (labeled with titles of various novels he typed on it)
- Greta Garbo: Olympia SM 7 #2353070 (formerly i n Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Gabriel García Márquez: Olivetti Lexikon 80, Torpedo 18 (1962 photo, photo 2), Smith-Corona electric 5TE (used to finish 100 Years of Solitude, now in National Museum of Colombia), 1970s Smith-Corona cartridge electric (photo 1, photo 2)
- Erle Stanley Gardner: Underwood 5
- John Gardner: IBM Selectric III (photo 1, photo 2)
- Martha Gellhorn: Hermes Baby (1943 photo), Remington Quiet-Riter (1970s photo)
- David Gerrold: 1966 IBM Selectric
- Walter Gibson: Remington Noiseless 8 or Remington 9
- William Gibson: Hermes 2000 (photo shows Gibson's tweet about it; his date is incorrect, as the model was introduced in 1932)
- Allen Ginsberg: Remington portable (no. 5?); Smith Corona Electra (in the 1980s)
- Nikki Giovanni: Smith Corona electric portable (Coronet?)
- René Girard: Olivetti Lettera 33
- Susan Glaspell and George Cram Cook (founders of Provincetown Players): Oliver 5 (?)
- Louise Glück: Silver Reed 25CE-II (?)
- William Goldman: Olympia SM9 (earlier), Olympia SM9 (later), Hermes Baby, Olympia Traveller
- Jane Goodall: unidentified ultraportable (Smith-Corona Skyriter?)
- David Goodis: Underwood
- René Goscinny: Royal Keystone, Olympia SF, larger Olympia portable
- Red Grange: Underwood
- Günter Grass: Olivetti Lettera 22, Olivetti Lettera 32
- John Howard Griffin: Underwood electric (1956 photo; Griffin was blind during this period)
- Matt Groening: Hermes Rocket
- John Gunther: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Arthur Hailey: Underwood Scriptor
- David Halberstam: L. C. Smith no. 8
- Joe Haldeman: Royal P, Olivetti Valentine, Olivetti Praxis 48, correcting Selectric, Olivetti standard manual (blog post where he lists these typewriters and pictures the Royal, misidentifying it as a Smith-Corona)
- Alex Haley: IBM Electric Model C, IBM Selectric (II?)
- Oscar Hammerstein II: Royal portable (1944 photo)
- Dashiell Hammett: Remington 12 or 16, Royal De Luxe
- Earl Hamner, Jr. ("The Waltons" creator): Remington Travel-Riter
- Peter Handke: Olympia Traveller
- Tom Hanks: Smith-Corona Clipper, Hermes 2000 (his first serious typewriter), Hermes 3000 #3170162 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection) (also collects other portables)
- Lorraine Hansberry: IBM Model 01 (more here)
- Joel Chandler Harris: Hammond no. 2
- Wells Southworth Hastings: Underwood
- Friedrich Hayek: 1934-38 Corona Silent (auctioned in 2019)
- Hugh Hefner: Underwood portable (in college), 1940s / '50s Royal portable, Royal HH, 1962 Royal Empress (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Martin Heidegger: Urania-Piccola R
- Robert A. Heinlein: Underwood Electric in a soundproof housing
- Bill Heinz (sports writer, war correspondent): Remington portable #3
- Joseph Heller: Smith Corona Classic 1960s portable, Smith-Corona Ultrasonic
- Ernest Hemingway: Corona 3 (story here), Erika folding (story here), 1926 Underwood portable #183598 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection), Underwood Noiseless Portable (photo 1, photo 2 1944), Royal 10, various Royal portables (including a Royal Arrow, another Royal, and Royal P #P207059, formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection), Halda portable model P. (One of Hemingway's Royals is on display at his home in Key West.)
- Katherine Hepburn: Royal De Luxe
- Frank Herbert: 1940s L.C. Smith Super-Speed, Olympia SM3, Royal KMM, Olympia SGE 3 (photo 1, photo 2)
- James Herriot: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Hermann Hesse: Smith Premier No. 4 (with italic type, used from about 1908 to 1942); Remington Noiseless; Remington Quiet-Riter (another photo)
- Thor Heyerdahl: Hermes Featherweight (picture on board the Kon-Tiki; the typewriter may actually have belonged to fellow Kon-Tiki voyager Knut Haugland); Olivetti Studio 44 (used to write the book)
- Jack Higgins: Adler Tippa
- Marguerite Higgins (war correspondent): Hermes Baby; Underwood Master; Erika no. 5
- Patricia Highsmith: Olympia SM3, Olympia Report de Luxe
- Alger Hiss (Jan. 1950): Woodstock standard #230099, 1929
- Alfred Hitchcock: '30s black Underwood Champion portable
- Marek Hłasko: Rheinmetall KsT
- Ho Chi Minh: Hermes Baby
- Eric Hobsbawm: Olivetti Studio 45
- Eric Hodgins: Royal (KHM?), Remington Noiseless 7
- Robert E. Howard: Underwood
- Sidney Howard (screenwriter, Gone With the Wind): Remington Noiseless Portable #N49669
- Bohumil Hrabal: Consul (221?)
- L. Ron Hubbard: Remington Electric, Underwood no. 3, Remington Noiseless no. 9, Royal KHM, IBM Electromatic, Remington Noiseless
- John Hughes (director): Olympia SM3
- Langston Hughes: Remington portable no. 2 (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3), Remington Noiseless Portable, Underwood no. 6
- Keri Hulme: unidentified electric
- Zora Neale Hurston: Remington portable no. 5 or similar
- Aldous Huxley: Corona no. 3, Corona flattop (1947 photo), Remington portable no. 5 (streamlined with touch regulator) (photo 2, 1946)
- Eric Idle: Adler J3
- Eugene Ionesco: Hermes 3000, rounded style
- John Irving: IBM Selectrics (red, tan)
- Kazuo Ishiguro: Brother AX-10
- Shirley Jackson: 1930s Royal? or Smith-Corona? portable
- Fleur Jaeggy: Hermes Ambassador
- Henry James: Remington
- Elfriede Jelinek: Hermes 3000
- Denis Johnson: Royal portable
- Diane Johnson (scriptwriter for "The Shining"): Canon Typestar
- Uwe Johnson: Rheinmetall KsT
- James Jones: Voss
- Tayari Jones: 1930s Corona Standard, 1930s Royal portable, 1950s Smith-Corona Silent-Super
- Thom Jones: old Royal portable
- Ernst Jünger: Erika 5, AEG Olympia Traveller de Luxe
- Theodore Kaczynski (Unabomber): Smith-Corona flattop portable, Montgomery Ward Signature portable #F0670339
- Franz Kafka (at the office): Oliver 5
- Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera: L. C. Smith
- Bernard Kalb: Royal KMG, Royal Empress (?)
- Erich Kästner: Gossen Tippa
- George S. Kaufman: L. C. Smith (pictured with Moss Hart)
- Elia Kazan: Royal KMG, Royal HH (HHE-5542515, 1955, formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Buster Keaton: Blickensderfer no. 5
- Harry Stephen Keeler: L.C. Smith with carriage return lever on right (ca. 1946 photo)
- O. B. "Pop" Keeler (sportswriter): Underwood desktop
- Ruby Keeler (acress, singer, dancer): Royal 2-tone portable, 1920s
- Helen Keller: Hammond; L.C. Smith no. 5
- Grace Kelly: Remington Super-Riter
- Murray Kempton: Royal KMM
- Jackie Kennedy: Royal electric (photo 1, photo 2)
- John F. Kennedy: Underwood Noiseless standard (at Harvard); Smith-Corona electric portable (during his 1960 presidential campaign)
- William Kennedy: L. C. Smith, ca. 1930
- Jack Kerouac: Underwood portable; curvy Hermes 3000 (auctioned by Christie's in 2010; ca. 1935-1940 Underwood Noiseless standard (when working on The Dharma Bums in Orlando, Florida); Royal standard; early L. C. Smith. It is sometimes claimed that Kerouac typed the original scroll of On the Road on his Underwood portable, but most likely it was "this antique L.C. Smith typewriter I’m taking to Frisco" (letter to Neal Cassady, 10 January 1951, Selected Letters I, 294). This is probably the big typewriter described in Kerouac's journal: "MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1951 – Had to go to N.Y. to pick up work at 20th Century Fox and my typewriter in Lucien’s loft. . . . – at 4 a.m. I staggered across the field with my big old typewriter that my father used in Lowell Mass. before I was even born ... the typewriter with which I not only wrote The Town and the City but my earliest loomings in 1937. If all my life, in spite of anything that happens, is connected by that typewriter to the one unswerving idealistic purpose which was revealed to me in youthful dreams of pure glory, then I don’t care if it weighs a ton as I carry it across the night." Thanks to Kerouac expert Matt Theado for this information.
- Ken Kesey: Royal KMM
- Dorothy Kilgallen: Underwood All-Electric
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Remington Electric (Model 300)
- Stephen King: Underwood SS, Royal FP, Royal Quiet Deluxe, Royal portable (same Quiet Deluxe?), Olivetti (unknown portable model, see quote from On Writing; "A fellow named Richard Bachman wrote Blaze in 1973 on an Olivetti typewriter, then turned the machine over to Stephen King, who used it to write Carrie."—Jacket flap for Blaze, by King pseudonym Richard Bachman), IBM Selectric II
- Rudyard Kipling: Imperial Good Companion no. 1, Remington Noiseless (in late life)
- Austin Kiplinger: 1940s Underwood standard (2010 photo)
- Danilo Kiš: Olympia Monica
- P. F. Kluge: 1920s-30s Royal desktops and some others (see photo)
- Etheridge Knight: IBM B or C
- Wolfgang Koeppen: 1950s Triumph portable
- Arthur Koestler: Remington portable no. 1
- Joy Kogawa: Hermes Ambassador (story)
- Ted Koppel: Royal 440
- Stanley Kubrick: IBM Model C, Adler Tippa S
- Maxine Kumin: Smith-Corona '50s portable, Hermes 10
- Milan Kundera: Hermes 3000
- Lady Gaga: 1940s Underwood portable (Universal?): photo 1, photo 2
- R. A. Lafferty: Adler Contessa
- Louis L'Amour: Olympia SM3 (1953 photo), IBM B or C
- Ann Landers (Esther Lederer): Olivetti Lettera 22 (Jan. 1957), 1961 Royal Royalite (or similar model), IBM A or B, IBM Selectric I, Underwood S
- Ring Lardner: L. C. Smith
- Philip Larkin: Royal portable, Olivetti Lettera DL
- Stan Laurel: Olympia SM3 or SM4 (in the '50s and '60s)
- Robert Laxalt: Royal portable
- Halldór Laxness: Hermes 2000, Remington Quiet-Riter
- George Washington Lee: Royal KMM
- Gypsy Rose Lee: Royal portable (1941 photo, 1949 photo); IBM model 01 (1956 photo, later photo)
- Harper Lee: Royal standard (KMM?)
- Laurie Lee: folding Corona 3
- Stan Lee: Remington noiseless portable, Olympia SG1
- Ursula K. LeGuin: Royal standard (KMM?), Underwood standard (SS?)
- Ernest Lehman: Royal Electress
- Jim Lehrer: Olympia SG3
- Stanislaw Lem: Remington noiseless portable, a gift for Lem's 12th birthday (Sept. 1933) from his father (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3), Triumph Gabriele
- Madeleine L'Engle: IBM Model D (1977)
- John Lennon: Imperial Good Companion T #2HJ 786 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection), IBM Model C
- Elmore Leonard: Olympia SG3 (1983, 1992), Olivetti Lettera DL, IBM Wheelwriter
- Doris Lessing: 1930s/40s Royal portable (photo 1, photo 2)
- David Letterman: Royal Empress
- William E. Leuchtenburg: Olympia SG3
- Primo Levi: Olivetti Lettera 36 electric
- Anthony Lewis: Underwood Five
- C. S. Lewis: Royal Signet #ES 14545 (read more about this typewriter on La Vie Graphite)
- Sinclair Lewis: Fox standard, Corona 3, Underwood 6, Remington Noiseless Portable, Smith-Corona Super-Speed
- Astrid Lindgren: Halda portable, Facit T2, Facit 1620
- Väinö Linna: Rheinmetall KsT
- Clarice Lispector: Underwood Finger-Flite Champion (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, her expression of gratitude), Olympia SF (photo 1, photo 2), Remington portable (she found it too loud), Olivetti Dora (Lispector on the Remington and the Olivetti). Translations here.
- Remington portable (too loud), Olivetti (Lettera 22, nice and quiet)
- Alan Lomax: Hermes 2000
- Jack London: Bar-Lock no. 10 #90808 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection), Standard Folding, Corona no. 3 (endorsed in 1916 ad)
- H. P. Lovecraft: 1904 Remington Standard (understroke)
- Robert Lowry: 1940s Smith-Corona portable
- Melissa Ludtke: Royal FP
- Morris Lurie: Hermes 3000, Olivetti portable
- John D. MacDonald: IBM Selectric I
- Alistair MacLean: Royal portable (?), Remington portable (Quiet-Riter?) (1960 photo)
- Norman Mailer: Royal 1930s/40s portable, Underwood (no. 5?)
- Bernard Malamud: 1930s-40s Royal portable; Hermes 2000 (in 1971)
- David Malouf: Erika
- David Mamet: Smith-Corona portable, Olympia SM4, Olympia SM9, IBM Selectric
- William Manchester: Underwood no. 5
- Jean-Patrick Manchette: Hermes 3000 (earlier model, later model)
- Katherine Mansfield: ca. 1920 Corona 3
- Herbert Marcuse: Hermes 9 (1968 photo)
- Javier Marías: Olympia Carrera de Luxe (his article about it in Spanish is here)
- William Maxwell (New Yorker fiction editor): SCM Coronamatic electric with 11" carriage
- John Mayer: Brother GX-6750
- James McBride: Corona flattop, Royal portable
- Cormac McCarthy: blue Olivetti Lettera 32 (New York Times story)
- Mary McCarthy: Remington portable no. 3 (Dec. 1943 photo)
- Mack McCormick: Olympia SG1
- Carson McCullers: Underwood Standard, 1930s; Remington noiseless portable; Olympia SM3 (1961)
- Colleen McCullough: Blue Bird, Royal standard ca. 1970, IBM Wheelwriter
- David McCullough: Royal De Luxe, Royal KHM, Royal KMM (1981 photo, circa 2002 photo) (Levenger's offers a typewriter bookend modeled on McCullough's KMM. Read about McCullough and his KMM on the Levenger's blog, and read his own typed account of why he loves his typewriter in these three parts: one, two, three.)
- Ian McEwan: Olivetti (Lettera 32?)
- Kevin McGowin (American writer and teacher): Underwood #5, Underwood Standard 1930s, Olivetti Lettera 22/32, Olympia SM3/4
- Russell McLauchlin (Detroit News drama critic): Remington 12 (?)
- John McPhee: Underwood Five
- Lucy Maud Montgomery: Empire
- Alan Moore: Smith-Corona
- Farley Mowat: Underwood SS, Underwood SX (closeup of typing)
- Daniel Patrick Moynihan: Smith-Corona manual, (photo 1, photo 2), Royal standard
- Iris Murdoch: Bijou (Erika)
- Larry McMurtry: Hermes 3000 (he thanked his typewriter at the 2006 Golden Globes).
- Terrence McNally: Olympia SG3
- James McPherson: Olympia SGE 45
- Margaret Mead: Hermes Baby, Royal portable, Royal KMM, Smith-Corona portable, Remington 24
- H.L.Mencken: Remington Standard understroke (#6 or 7?), LC Smith 5, Corona folding, Remington Noiseless Portable no. 7 (1948 photo)
- James Merrill (American poet): IBM Selectric
- Grace Metalious: Royal KMG (photo 1, photo 2)
- Leonard Michaels: Olivetti Lettera 22
- James Michener: Remington 17 or KMC, 1949/50 Royal Quiet De Luxe, Olympia SG3, Hermes Ambassador
- Edna St. Vincent Millay: Remington Model 1 portable
- Arthur Miller bought a used Smith-Corona portable in the late '30s (for one anonymous contest, he submitted a play that he said was "by Corona."). Later he used a '50s Smith-Corona Silent Super and a Royal KMG (1955 photo, another photo). He wrote his later plays on an IBM desktop computer. (Arthur Miller: His Life and Work, by Martin Gottfried, p. 26, 112, and 381.)
- Lee Miller: Hermes Baby
- Henry Miller: Underwood
- Margaret Mitchell: Remington portable no. 3 (with her, on its own) (now at Atlanta's Central Public Library), Underwood no. 5
- Sir Patrick Moore: Woodstock
- Elsa Morante: IBM Selectric I
- Alberto Moravia: Remington portable (Quiet-Riter?), Olivetti Studio 44, Olivetti Diaspron 82
- Toni Morrison: Royal standard (possibly model 440), Olympia (this 1990 typescript page appears to use Olympia's Modern Pica type), 1930s Royal portable
- Morrissey: Olympia Traveller, Smith-Corona S301 electric
- Malcolm Muggeridge: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Gianni Mura (Italian sportswriter): Olivetti Lettera 32
- Haruki Murakami: Olivetti Studio 44 (story)
- Gerald Murnane: Remington Monarch (machine #1, machine #2, another more recent photo of machine #2), Adler Standard (video here)
- F. W. Murnau: Remington portable no. 2 (1931 photo)
- Jim Murray: Remington 17 (1945)
- Edward R. Murrow: 1940s Royal Quiet De Luxe (photo 1, photo 2)
- Vladimir Nabokov (dictating to his wife Vera): 1949/50 Royal Quiet De Luxe (photo 1, photo 2)
- Ralph Nader: Smith-Corona Skyriter (while a student at Princeton); Underwood standards
- Al Neuharth (USA Today founder): Royal KHM
- Pablo Neruda: Underwood 3-bank portable
- P. H. Newby: Imperial Good Companion no. 1
- Edwin Newman: Royal 470
- John Nichols: Hermes Rocket, Olympia SM9
- Nigel Nicolson: Olivetti Lettera DL
- Reinhold Niebuhr: IBM A or B
- Friedrich Nietzsche: Malling-Hansen Writing Ball
- Anaïs Nin: Olympia SM3 (photo 1, photo 2)
- David Niven (1950): Royal Quiet DeLuxe, 1940s
- Richard Nixon: L.C. Smith
- Christopher Nolan: 1940s (?) Royal portable
- Sterling North: Underwood standard, Royal HH
- Joyce Carol Oates: SCM Smith Corona Electra 220
- Conan O'Brien: Royal 10
- Flann O'Brien: 1916 Underwood no. 3 #14"/178622
- Tim O'Brien: wide-carriage black prewar Royal standard
- Sean O'Casey: Continental
- Flannery O'Connor: Remington Deluxe Noiseless Portable, "1941 line" (in her bedroom), Royal P (in museum at her home)
- Andrew O'Hagan: Olympia SM4
- Frank O'Hara: Royal portable, Royal FP (1965 photo)
- John O'Hara: Underwood no. 5, 1950s Remington Noiseless standard (photo 1, photo 2)
- Clifford Odets (1962): Royal Quiet DeLuxe, ca. 1957
- J.C. Oldfield (editor of the Associated Press's London bureau, 1930s): Woodstock
- Walter J. Ong, SJ: Smith-Corona Classic 12
- P. J. O'Rourke: IBM Selectric
- Joe Orton: Adler Tippa, Adler Universal 40
- George Orwell: Remington Home Portable (name variant of the #3)
- Klas Östergren: Facit
- Emilia Pardo Bazán: Yost no. 10
- Ed Park: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Ruth Park: Underwood Golden Touch Universal
- Dorothy Parker: Smith Corona portable (photo 1941), Royal KMM
- Robert B. Parker: Royal HH
- Gordon Parks: Woodstock
- Pier Paolo Pasolini: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Charles S. Peirce: Hammond
- Walker Percy: unidentified portable electric
- Georges Perec: Underwood 5 (he dubbed it an 'Underwood Four Million'), IBM Selectric, Olivetti ET 221 (source: Georges Perec: A Life in Words, by David Bellos, p. 262.)
- S. J. Perelman: 1930s/40s Royal (Quiet Deluxe?) (photo 1, photo 2) (a Royal, probably the same one, outfitted with more modern keys, is in the collection of the New York Public Library)
- Fernando Pessoa: Royal 10 with double glass windows
- Rosamunde Pilcher (1990): 1970s Hermes 3000
- Luigi Pirandello: Underwood three-bank portable (photo of Pirandello dictating to himself, photo 2, photo 3, photo of his machine)
- Robert Pirsig: 1950s Smith-Corona Silent
- Pope Pius XII: Olivetti Studio 42 (On cover of 1946 TIME magazine)
- Sylvia Plath: Royal HH, Olivetti Lettera 22 #C8850 (UK made), Hermes 2000, Hermes 3000 #3011432 (1959) (sold at auction)
- George Plimpton: Underwood Standard 1947-50 black Rhythm Touch (photo 1, photo 2)
- Louis Pollack (screenwriter): Royal desktop
- Katherine Anne Porter: Remington Noiseless Portable, IBM Selectric I
- Charles Portis: Underwood SS or SX on which he typed with two fingers of each hand. Read a passage on typewriters from Portis' 2005 story "The Wind Bloweth Where It Listeth."
- Emily Post: Remington portable no. 2
- Ezra Pound : Everest 90 portable (May 1940)
- Anthony Powell (1973): Olympia SM8
- Terry Pratchett: Imperial 58 (more info and photo), electronic typewriter
- Katharine Susannah Prichard: Remington portable #1
- J.B. Priestley: Royal portable (more pics), Hermes 3000
- John Prine: 1970s Smith-Corona Super-Sterling electric
- James Purdy (American novelist): Olivetti Lettera 32
- Mario Puzo: Royal HH (photo 1, photo 2)
- Ernie Pyle: Corona 3; Underwood Noiseless Portable (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3)
- Thomas Pynchon: Olivetti portable
- W. V. O. Quine: 1927 Remington with modified keyboard
- Gregory Rabassa: Olympia SF (photo 1, photo 2)
- Ayn Rand: Royal 10
- Dudley Randall: Olympia SG3
- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings: Remington noiseless portable (no. 7?)
- John Rechy: IBM Selectric (II?)
- Jack Reed: Underwood
- Carl Reiner: Royal KMG, 1950s Smith-Corona Silent
- Craig Rice: L.C. Smith (with snakes)
- Grantland Rice: Royal 10, Royal KMM, Underwood SX
- Adrienne Rich: 1970s Hermes 3000
- Geraldo Rivera: Adler portable
- Robby the Robot (from the film "Forbidden Planet"): Remington Super-Riter
- Harold Robbins: IBM Selectric II, IBM Wheelwriter III #4B73700 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Tom Robbins: Olivetti Studio 44
- Gene Roddenberry: IBM Selectric I, IBM Selectric II or III, Panasonic
- Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers): 1930s Royal portable (Model O?), Royal KMG
- Roy Rogers (publicity shot when young): Remington Noiseless standard, early 1940s, black&shiny, bakelite keys, spool crank
- Will Rogers: Remington portable #3, ca. 1930 Royal portable (in the plane with Rogers at the time of his death)
- Andy Rooney: various Underwood no. 5's including #2501299-5 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Eleanor Roosevelt: L. C. Smith Super-Speed (date on sign in photo is incorrect)
- Charlie Rose: Olivetti Lettera 32
- Philip Roth (Dec 1968): Olivetti Lettera 32, IBM Selectric II (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Ann Rule (true crime writer): Remington single-element typewriter
- Juan Rulfo: Remington Rand KMC #J1385142 (made March 1948; bought Nov. 10, 1953)
- Damon Runyon: Underwood 6, Royal portable (1944 photo), Remington or Underwood Noiseless standard
- Salman Rushdie: Smith-Corona electric portable (Coronamatic?), Olivetti ET electronic
- Ernesto Sabato: Olivetti Praxis 48
- Oliver Sacks: Smith-Corona Courier or similar, IBM Model C
- Morley Safer: Royal FP
- Françoise Sagan: Hermes Baby (1956 photo, 1958 photo), 1950s Smith-Corona (Clipper?) (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3)
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Remington Deluxe Noiseless
- J. D. Salinger: 1930s Royal (probably a KHM), Underwood (?) portable (Universal?)
- James Salter: IBM Selectric III
- Carl Sandburg: Underwood 5, unidentified machine, ca. 1930 Remington Noiseless standard (now at the Carl Sandburg home national historic site) 1950s Remington Noiseless standard, Royal portable
- José Saramago: Hermes 2000 (in use, in museum)
- William Saroyan: Fox
- Richard Schickel: Royal Empress
- Arno Schmidt: Torpedo 20, Adler Universal 200
- Arnold Schoenberg: ca. 1933 Smith-Corona portable
- Daniel Schorr: IBM Selectric III
- Charles Schultz: Smith-Corona
- Leonardo Sciascia: Olivetti Lettera 22
- David Sedaris: IBM Selectric II
- Will Self: Groma Kolibri, Olivetti Lettera 22
- Rod Serling: Royal KMG (photo 1, photo 2)
- Robert W. Service: Corona, Underwood 3-bank portable
- Dr. Seuss (Theodore Geisel): Remington Noiseless Portable, Smith-Corona Silent-Super
- Anne Sexton: Royal Quiet Deluxe (photo 1, photo 2, photo 3), Smith-Corona electric (photo 2, photo 2)
- George Bernard Shaw: Bar-Lock; Remington portable no. 1; Smith Premier (Remington); Remington Noiseless Portable #N40911 (made Nov. 1933; formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection; see Shaw using it in this film and another photo of Shaw and his Remington)
- Irwin Shaw: Royal 10, Underwood, Olivetti Studio 44
- George Sheehan: Royal KMG
- Neil Sheehan: Underwood SX (?)
- Sam Shepard: '60s Hermes 3000, Olympia SM9
- Jerry Siegel (co-creator of Superman): '30s Royal portable
- Georges Simenon: Royal 10 with double glass sides, Royal KH or KHM, Royal KMM (1945 photo), Olivetti Lettera 22, IBM Selectric I
- Neil Simon: Olympia SM9
- Upton Sinclair: Underwood no. 5, Royal portable
- Isaac Bashevis Singer: Yiddish Underwood no. 6; Remington #3 portable; Remington portable #5 flat top (1978 photo, undated photo); Hebrew Underwood Universal, 1940; Hermes 2000
- Betty Smith: 1940s Royal portable
- Patti Smith: 1960s/'70s Smith-Corona portable
- Red Smith: Olympia SM7, Olympia SF
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: Rheinmetall KsT portable (in photo with Solzhenitsyn), Erika 10 portable (on display at Solzhenitsyn Foundation in Moscow)
- Susan Sontag: Royal Royalite (or similar)
- Steven Spielberg: Smith-Corona Coronamatic 2200 (photo 1, photo 2)
- Mickey Spillane: 1940s Royal portable, Royal KHM, Smith-Corona Super Speed (1952 photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, typewriter as offered on eBay in 2010), 1970s Smith-Corona electric
- Robert St. John: Hermes Baby (1962 photo)
- Jean Stafford: '30s Royal portable
- Christina Stead: Royal KMM
- Joseph Stefano (Psycho screenwriter): Olympia SG1 (another photo), Adler Universal
- Danielle Steel: Olympia SG1 (Vanity Fair photos)
- Wallace Stegner: Royal KMG, Olympia SG1, Olympia SG3
- John Steinbeck: Hermes Baby #5238316 (1951), case marked "THE BEAST WITHIN"; IBM Model C
- Gloria Steinem: IBM Selectric I
- Robert Louis Stevenson: Hammond
- I. F. Stone: desktop Remington ca. 1930, Facit T1
- Rex Stout: Underwood (no. 6?) (1942 photo), Underwood SX
- Fran Striker: Royal Signet (1938 photo), Royal 10
- Joe Strummer: Remington Envoy III
- Theodore Sturgeon: 1948 Royal Quiet De Luxe
- William Styron: SCM Smith Corona Electra 210
- Jacqueline Susann: Olympia SG1 (pic 1, pic 2)
- John Cameron Swayze: Cole-Steel
- John Millington Synge: Blickensderfer #5
- Gay Talese: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Ida M. Tarbell: Royal P portable with Vogue type
- Shirley Temple: white Student (Bing variant, in Smithsonian), white Underwood Champion portable with plaque reading "To 'America's Pet' Shirley Temple" (machine, in use, display) (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Studs Terkel: Remington 17 or KMC
- David Thewlis: Olympia SM9 (and he says he owns about 40 others)
- Adam Thirlwell: Olivetti Valentine
- Dylan Thomas: Imperial Good Companion (story)
- Helen Thomas: Underwood SS, Hermes 3000 (1970 photo), Olivetti Lettera 32
- Dorothy Thompson: Royal 10
- Hunter S. Thompson: 1950s Smith-Corona portable, Royal Quiet De Luxe (?), Olympia SF or Splendid (photo 1, photo 2), IBM Selectric, IBM Wheelwriter
- James Thurber: Underwood no. 5
- Freeman Tilden: Underwood
- Helge Timmerberg: Olivetti Valentine
- J.R.R. Tolkien: Hammond
- Leo Tolstoy (dictating to his daughter): Remington understroke (retouched photo 1, retouched photo 2)
- William Trevor: Olympia Splendid or Socialite
- Dalton Trumbo: Underwood, Royal KHM, IBM A or B
- Mark Twain: Sholes & Glidden, Hammond no. 2 (more information here), Williams no. 6 (auctioned in 2023)
- Francisco Umbral: Olivetti Valentine
- Sigrid Undset: 1940s Corona Standard
- John Updike: Olympia SM3 (1962 photo); Olivetti MP1 portable; Olivetti Linea 88 (1990s photo; now on display at Updike's childhood home); Olympia 65C electric #183017 (auctioned at Christie's, 2010; formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection)
- Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abby, Pauline Phillips): IBM Model B electric (ca. 1958 photo, 1962 photo), IBM Selectric II or III
- Mario Vargas Llosa: Triumph-Adler SE-1000 CD
- Eddie Vedder: Royal portable, 1940s Smith-Corona portable
- Tarjei Vesaas: Remington All-New portable: photo 1 (source), photo 2
- Boris Vian: Underwood 3-bank portable
- Gore Vidal: Olivetti Lettera 22 (photo 1), Olivetti Lettera 22 (photo 2), Smith-Corona portable, Olivetti Lettera 35
- Julia Vinograd: 1950s Smith-Corona portable
- Luchino Visconti: Olivetti Lettera 22
- Kurt Vonnegut: Smith-Corona Courier, Olivetti Studio 44, Olympia SM7 / SM8 / SM9, Smith-Corona '50s manual portable, Smith-Corona Coronamatic 2200, Smith-Corona XD 6600
- Ocean Vuong: Royal Fleetwood
- Tom Waits: Underwood no. 5
- Derek Walcott: Montgomery Ward Escort 350 (made by Brother, type JP-7)
- Alice Walker: Smith-Corona
- David Foster Wallace: Smith-Corona (model information needed)
- Barbara Walters: Olivetti Lettera 32 (?)
- Robert Penn Warren: Olympia SM3, Royal HH, Hermes Ambassador, Smith-Corona 75
- John Waters: ca. 1950 Underwood (1961 photo), IBM A or B
- Orson Welles: 1926 woodgrain Underwood portable #4B73700 (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection; Welles typing on it), ’30s Underwood Noiseless Portable, Smith-Corona (?)
- H.G. Wells: Hammond no. 2 (shown operated by his second wife, Amy Catherine "Jane" Robbins — thanks to oz.typewriter)
- Eudora Welty: Royal HH
- Lina Wertmüller: Remington Super-Riter, Olympia Monica de Luxe (or Monica S?)
- Dorothy West: Smith-Corona Skyriter
- Donald Westlake: Smith-Corona Silent-Supers
- E.B. White: 1930s/40s Underwood (photo 1, photo 2); Underwood Quiet Tab Deluxe (photo 1, photo 2)
- Patrick White: Optima portable
- Elie Wiesel: Hermes 3000
- Richard Wilbur: L. C. Smith (photo 1, photo 2)
- Nancy Willard: decorated Remington portable no. 2
- Charles Willeford: IBM Selectric
- John Williams: Royal 10
- Joy Williams: Smith-Corona portables (seven of them, according to a 2014 interview)
- Tennessee Williams: Remington portable no. 2, 1936 Corona Junior #1F9874J (formerly in Steve Soboroff's collection), mid-1940s Corona Sterling, Royal KMM, Hermes Baby (gift from Margo Jones, 1947, according to John Lahr, Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh, Bloomsbury, 2014), Olivetti Studio 44 (picture 1, picture 2, picture 3, picture 4 1955), Remington portable #5 flat top, Remington Standard M, Olympia SM8. (This man loved to have himself photographed with his writing machines!)
- Robbie Williams: Hermes 3000, Royal P
- William Carlos Williams: Underwood standard (no. 5?) (photo 1, photo 2), Royal electric
- Colin Wilson: Olivetti Lexikon 90E
- Woodrow Wilson: Hammonds (including a Multiplex and a green aluminum Multiplex)
- Walter Winchell: 1929 Remington no. 12
- P.G. Wodehouse: Monarch; Royal (no. 10?) (bought reluctantly when the Monarch died); Royal standard electric (1973 photo)
- Tom Wolfe: Royal KMM (at least he was photographed next to one), Underwood Typemaster
- Bob Woodward: 1960s Hermes 3000
- Virginia Woolf: Underwood portable
- Cornell Woolrich: Remington portable [no. 2] #NC69411 (this is the title of a chapter in Woolrich's autobiography, Blues of a Lifetime)
- Herman Wouk: Royal portable
- Frank Lloyd Wright: wide-carriage Royal KHM
- Richard Wright: Royal desktop (KHM?), ca. 1940 Royal Arrow (1945 photo), 1940s Underwood
- Philip Wylie: Remington noiseless portable, Remington Noiseless standard
- Marguerite Yourcenar: Remington portable #1 or #2, Royal Futura 800 or similar, Olympia SM9
- Yevgeny Zamyatin: Underwood no. 3
- Roger Zelazny: Olivetti Praxis 48
- Howard Zinn: Underwood no. 6
- William Zinsser: Royal HH
- Stefan Zweig: 1930s Underwood portable