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The Flying Oliver welcomes you
to the strange and beautiful world of antique writing machines.
Explore and enjoy ...

Typewriter facts

Typewriter collecting and care

Typewriter fun



This site is maintained by Richard Polt. If you'd like to write to me, please check my FAQ first. My contact information is here.

My book The Typewriter Revolution is a user's manual for the 21st-century typewriter insurgency.

The Cold Hard Type series collects typewritten stories, poetry, and art that will delight every typewriter lover.

This site first went online on December 9, 1995. It reached one million hits on April 30, 2010.


Web site.xavier.edu

Rackin' up the kudos
Featured on

March 2, 2012

The New York Times
March 31, 2011

BBC News Magazine

May 2008

August 2007

National Public Radio
April 2006

The Chronicle of Higher Education
May 2002

Cincinnati Magazine
August 1999

The New York Times
April 16, 1998

"Two of the site's greatest strengths reveal themselves
immediately on the home page -- specifically, spartan
design and abundant, quality illustration."
--Jim Regan, The Christian Science Monitor

"Keyboard aficionados from five continents enjoy
reminiscing at The Classic Typewriter Page."
--Newsweek, October 13, 1997

"Whether you're a collector, an admirer
or someone who's never seen a real typewriter before,
this site is a rare treat - a genuine time capsule from a lost world."
--The Passenger

"QWERTYious typists will delight in the key-tapping pleasures of
The Classic Typewriter Page, tribute to the marvelous mechanical writing machine
that has been all but whited-out by the advent of the word processor..."
--Lycos Top 5%

"Anyone with an office supplies fetish will want to stop and sigh
over the beautiful machines pictured and described here."
--AOL NetFind

-- Daniel Akst, Los Angeles Times, March 13, 1996